iOS - Find top constraint for a view?

Instead of iterating through self.constraints, you should iterate through self.superview.constraints.

The self.constraints only contain constraints related to just the view (e.g. height and width constraints).

Here's a code example of what this might look like:

- (void)awakeFromNib
  [super awakeFromNib];

  if (!self.topConstraint) {
    [self findTopConstraint];

- (void)findTopConstraint
  for (NSLayoutConstraint *constraint in self.superview.constraints) {
    if ([self isTopConstraint:constraint]) {
      self.topConstraint = constraint;

- (BOOL)isTopConstraint:(NSLayoutConstraint *)constraint
  return  [self firstItemMatchesTopConstraint:constraint] ||
          [self secondItemMatchesTopConstraint:constraint];

- (BOOL)firstItemMatchesTopConstraint:(NSLayoutConstraint *)constraint
  return constraint.firstItem == self && constraint.firstAttribute == NSLayoutAttributeTop;

- (BOOL)secondItemMatchesTopConstraint:(NSLayoutConstraint *)constraint
  return constraint.secondItem == self && constraint.secondAttribute == NSLayoutAttributeTop;

Using swift and UIView extension

extension UIView {
    func findConstraint(layoutAttribute: NSLayoutAttribute) -> NSLayoutConstraint? {
        if let constraints = superview?.constraints {
            for constraint in constraints where itemMatch(constraint: constraint, layoutAttribute: layoutAttribute) {
                return constraint
        return nil

    func itemMatch(constraint: NSLayoutConstraint, layoutAttribute: NSLayoutAttribute) -> Bool {
        if let firstItem = constraint.firstItem as? UIView, let secondItem = constraint.secondItem as? UIView {
            let firstItemMatch = firstItem == self && constraint.firstAttribute == layoutAttribute
            let secondItemMatch = secondItem == self && constraint.secondAttribute == layoutAttribute
            return firstItemMatch || secondItemMatch
        return false

Based on @Igor answer, I changed a bit itemMatch method to consider when first item or second item is not a UIView. For example when constraint a UIView top to safe area top.

extension UIView {
    func findConstraint(layoutAttribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute) -> NSLayoutConstraint? {
        if let constraints = superview?.constraints {
            for constraint in constraints where itemMatch(constraint: constraint, layoutAttribute: layoutAttribute) {
                return constraint
        return nil

    func itemMatch(constraint: NSLayoutConstraint, layoutAttribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute) -> Bool {
        let firstItemMatch = constraint.firstItem as? UIView == self && constraint.firstAttribute == layoutAttribute
        let secondItemMatch = constraint.secondItem as? UIView == self && constraint.secondAttribute == layoutAttribute
        return firstItemMatch || secondItemMatch

I usually set an identifier of a required constraint in the IB and then find it in the code like this (Swift):

if let index = constraints.index(where: { $0.identifier == "checkmarkLeftMargin" }) {
    checkmarkImageViewLeftMargin = constraints[index]

OR by @Tim Vermeulen

checkmarkImageViewLeftMargin = constraints.first { $0.identifier == "checkmarkLeftMargin" }