Ionic - Error: Uncaught (in promise): removeView was not found

Deleting a component is not a solution to any problem.

Cause of issue: There are multiple calls to dismiss method of loading component.

Solution: While creating the loader, check if the loader instance is not already present, only then create another instance.

Similarly, while dismissing the loader, check if the loader instance does exists, only then dismiss it.


constructor(private _loadingCtrl: LoadingController){}


showLoading() {
        this.loading = this._loadingCtrl.create({
            content: 'Please Wait...'

        this.loading = null;

When you want to manually dismiss the Ionic loading you may need to follow the below example. Which is working fine I have tested in ionic labs.

Ionic 3+

Note: If you call this.loading.dismiss() manually, I don't recommend to use dismissOnPageChange, you are probably dismissing the same loading twice.

Why the below solution works?

I think this.loading.present() is an asynchronous method, so we can't call this.loading.dismiss() manually when this.loading.present() is still running.

So if we need to dismiss manually we need to make sure that loading is present already and have a view to dismiss it, we should use other method after present().then like the following code.

However I'm not sure why we didn't have this problem in the old framework version (2.0.3).

import { Loading, LoadingController } from 'ionic-angular';

export class ApnSearchPage {
   loading: Loading;
   constructor(private loadingCtrl: LoadingController) { }

   ionViewDidLoad() {

   createLoader(message: string = "Please wait...") { // Optional Parameter
     this.loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
       content: message

   public searchClick() {
       this.loading.present().then(() => {
       this.searchService.submitRequest(params, data)
            .subscribe(response => {
            }, error => {
              this.errorMessage = <any>error

Reference Link,hence posted only useful and working tips and code.

I hope this helps!