Ionic - Add/Remove phonegap-push-plugin - CocoaPods was not found

The accepted solution to this didn't work for me, I had to install an older version of cocoapods:

sudo gem uninstall cocoapods If using brew, run this too: brew uninstall cocoapods

sudo gem install cocoapods -v 1.7.5 pod setup

Then reinstall the plugin with ionic cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable SENDER_ID="XXXXXXX"

(As per part of

Try without "sudo": cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable SENDER_ID="XXXXXXX"

To install push you must first install cocoapods. Follow these steps on your terminal in the Ionic project directory.

First remove what you tried to install

ionic cordova plugin remove phonegap-plugin-push

Next install cocoapods

sudo gem install cocoapods

Then you need to sync the cocoapods repo

pod setup

This may take a while

Finally install push

ionic cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable SENDER_ID="XXXXXXX"