Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function

Chances are good you have rows where the '-' is missing, which is causing your error. Try this...

SELECT i.Itemid,
    SUBSTRING(i.ShortDescription, 22, CHARINDEX('-', i.ShortDescription+'-', 22)) AS ProductDescriptionAbbrev,
FROM t_items i

Your first call to SUBSTRING specifies a length of SUBSTRING(i.ShortDescription, 25, CHARINDEX('-', i.ShortDescription, 25)).

You might try:

declare @t_items as Table ( ItemId Int Identity, ShortDescription VarChar(100) )
insert into @t_items ( ShortDescription ) values
  ( 'Sample Product Maker Product Name XYZ - Size' )

declare @SkipLength as Int = Len( 'Sample Product Maker' )

select ItemId,
  RTrim( LTrim( Substring( ShortDescription, @SkipLength + 1, CharIndex( '-', ShortDescription, @SkipLength ) - @SkipLength - 1 ) ) ) as ProductDescriptionAbbrev
  from @t_items

You could also strip out the Sample Product Maker text and go from there:

    LTRIM(REPLACE(i.ShortDescription, 'Sample Product Maker', '')),
        CHARINDEX('-', LTRIM(REPLACE(i.ShortDescription, 'Sample Product Maker', 
    '' ))) - 1))
AS ShortDescription

The problem is that your outer call to SUBSTRING is being passed a character data type from the inner SUBSTRING call in the third parameter.

                                                  +--This call does not return an integer type
SELECT i.Itemid,                                  V
   RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(i.ShortDescription, 25, (SUBSTRING(i.ShortDescription, 25, CHARINDEX('-', i.ShortDescription, 25)))))) AS ProductDescriptionAbbrev,
   CHARINDEX('-', i.ShortDescription, 0) - 25  as charindexpos
FROM t_items i

The third parameter must evaluate to the length that you want. Perhaps you meant LEN(SUBSTRING(...))?