Internal test track set as inactive on Google Play Console

I had managed to select "Unpublished" instead of "Published" when i was setting up the app settings for the first time. And therefore the "app status" was always going to be "unpublished" and the tracks "inactive"

image of google play advanced settings, where you can change the publishing settings for your app

I had my testers added but not checked. Make sure you have testers added and selected!

Check testers:

Check testers

From what I have read here:

Publishing an app for the first time, it may take up to 48 hours for your app’s internal test to be available.

After that any submissions after should be available for testing within minutes.

For me the solution was to add at least one country for the live release / production track (however, in my case there's no live release published yet). It seems that this setting is used for the inner testing release as well, no matter you have any live releases or not. It may be true for other settings that you can only set for the live release (like category, etc.).

Check your list of countries your app is available in. If you can find only dashes in each country's row, try selecting at lease one country.