IntelliJ IDEA with multiple gradle subprojects

If you want to open all projects in a single IDEA window, you'll have to aggregate them into a multi-project build, at least until IDEA 13 hits the market. Before IDEA 13, it's better to use Gradle's IDEA integration. Once you have a multi-project build, all you need to do is to add allprojects { apply plugin: "idea" } to the root build script, run gradle (cleanIdea) idea, then open the generated IDEA project.

Currently in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 you can add the gradle subprojects like so

  1. Open Gradle Tool Window via View > Tool Windows > Gradle menu
  2. Click on "Link Gradle Project" button (the plus sign)Link Gradle Project button
  3. Select the build.gradle file corresponding to the subproject
  4. Go to File > Project Structure > Modules > NameOfSubproject
  5. Navigate to main/java and click on Mark as: Sources enter image description here
  6. Mark the main/resources as Resources
  7. Restart IntelliJ IDEA

The sources of the subproject will be recognized by IntelliJ and you can use Navigate Class action for the classes in the subproject