IntelliJ IDEA cannot see Lombok generated code

You need to enable the annotation preprocessor. See documentation here.

Additionally you should install the lombok plugin if not done already

In my case the issue occurred after updating IntelliJ via Toolbox.

"Enable annotation processing" flag was switched off (despite importing the settings from previous IntelliJ version), so I switched it on. This did not resolve the issue after restart, clean, build.

However, resintalling the lombok plugin helped!

EDIT: Seems that it was the problem with compatibility of lombok plugin with IntelliJ 2018.1, plugin upgrade to 0.17 is required for IntelliJ users.

Lombok plugin changelog excerpt:

Lombok support plugin updated to v0.17: - Fixed (#465): Fix plugin compatibility with IntelliJ 2018.1

It can be seen in the build folder.

enter image description here

I managed to solve this issue by doing the following:

  • Install the IDEA Lombok plugin
  • Enable Annotation Processing see documentation
  • Install the Latest Maven on your system and configure IntelliJ to use it (as opposed to the bundled one) see documentation