IntelliJ Diff Tool in SourceTree

Took some time to figure out arguments. Diff command text box should contain path to intellij, like: /Applications/IntelliJ\ IDEA\

enter image description here

Diff Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.2\bin\idea.exe
Arguments: diff $LOCAL $PWD/$REMOTE

Merge Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.2\bin\idea.exe
Arguments: (This isn't working right for me. I'm having pathing problems.) merge $LOCAL $PWD/$REMOTE $PWD/$BASE $MERGED

As of 12.1, these are the arguments for using IntelliJ's diff and merge tools from outside the program:

Diff tool
<path to IntelliJ IDEA launcher> diff <path to file1> <path to file2>

Merge tool
<path to IntelliJ IDEA launcher> merge <path to file1> <path to file2> <path to file3> <path to output>

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION: running-intellij-idea-as-a-diff-or-merge-command-line-tool

FWIW, I ended up using IntelliJ for my source control. I like it more than Sourcetree. It's quite robust.

For today (January 2019) it works at windows like this:

External Diff/Merge:

Diff tool:

Diff Command: C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2018.3.1\bin\webstorm64.exe

Agruments: diff $LOCAL $REMOTE

Merge Tool:

Diff Command: C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2018.3.1\bin\webstorm64.exe

Agruments: merge $LOCAL $REMOTE $BASE $MERGED

For OSX android studio i've accomplished with this steps:

Open IntelliJ/Android Studio -> Tools -> Create Command Line Launcher

Something like this:

After that, open SourceTree Preferences: and put "/usr/local/bin/studio" in Diff/Merge Command. Like this:

 Like This:

Diff Arguments:


Merge Arguments:


And if everything it's ok it should work.