Integrate Visual Studio Code into Google Cloud

You can now run Visual Studio Code from the Google Cloud Shell using

It comes down to downloading code-server, starting it and using the Web Preview functionality of Google Cloud Shell to use it.

See also:

You can use SSHFS to mount a remote directory on a Google Cloud Virtual Machine (VM). It is very easy to setup and use compared to VNC or FTP:

  • First you have to access the VM via ssh. This is actually very easy and you don't need to generate any keys yourself. Just go to the console then: Compute Engine > VM Instances, then locate your instance and click on the SSH button at the far right. Tutorial and more info here.

  • Install SSHFS on your machine. If you have a mac, you can use brew cask install osxfuse and then brew install sshfs.

  • You are ready. Just type sshfs [you_user_name]@[external_ip_of_vm]:[directory_on_vm_to_mount_to] [local_mount_point], eg. sshfs [email protected]:/home/john ~/john-vm.

If you decided to setup VNC, here is a link to a very good tutorial on how to set it up on GC. And here is another link on how to setup SFTP.

You can check VSCode remote as well. It was recently developed and is already in quite stable stage. Probably Remote SSH will help you the most in your case.