Instruments Leaks - Not showing my source code

For iOS 4.0 and higher, the way to fix symbols and turn those useless memory addresses into beautiful file names, function names and line numbers is as follows:

  1. In Xcode, go to Run -> Run with Performance Tool and choose your instrument
  2. After Instruments loads, hit the Stop button to stop recording. Go to File -> Re-Symbolicate Document.
  3. In the new window, click Path and click the plus (+) button to add a new path. Navigate to the folder containing your project file and click Open. Click Symbolicate.
  4. Profit!

I was looking for this for a good month before I finally came upon the solution. I hope this helps some of you!

I saw this happen, but on a different configuration. In Snow Leopard 10.6.1, Xcode 3.2, Instruments 2.0, I wasn't getting any symbols in Leaks when running iPhone OS 3.0 in the simulator. Searching in Apple's iPhone developer forums revealed that this was a known issue with the iPhone 3.0 SDK (that was being worked on), and switching the active SDK to 3.1 was a workaround. Sure enough, it worked for me!

Project > Edit Project Settings

Choose Debug target

Click Build Tab

Make sure Strip Linked Product is unchecked

Remove any non-ascii characters from both your your startup disk
and hostname (see the Sharing panel in System Preferences) and restart.

Ta da!