instance Alternative ZipList in Haskell?

Your instance is OK, but it does something ZipList doesn't by
(a) aiming for the longest list, and
(b) mixing elements between source lists.

Zipping as an operation stops at the length of the shortest list.

That's why I concluded in my answer:

Thus the only sensible Alternative instance is:

instance Alternative Zip where
   empty = Zip []
   Zip [] <|> x = x
   Zip xs <|> _ = Zip xs

This is consistent with the Alternative instances for Maybe and parsers that say you should do a if it doesn't fail and go with b if it does. You can say a shorter list is less successful than a longer one, but I don't think you can say a non-empty list is a complete fail.

empty = Zip [] is chosen because it has to be polymorphic in the element type of the list, and the only such list is []

For balance, I don't think your instance is terrible, I think this is cleaner, but hey ho, roll your own as you need it!

Tags / Indeces

Interesting. A not completely unrelated thought: ZipLists can be seen as ordinary lists with elements tagged by their (increasing) position index in the list. Zipping application joins two lists by pairing equally-indexed elements.

Imagine lists with elements tagged by (non-decreasing) Ord values. Zippery application would pair-up equally-tagged elements, throwing away all mismatches (it has its uses); zippery alternative could perform order-preserving left-preferring union on tag values (alternative on regular lists is also kind of a union).

This fully agrees with what you propose for indexed lists (aka ZipLists).

So yes, it makes sense.


One interpretation of a list of values is non-determinacy, which is consistent with the monad instance for lists, but ZipLists can be interpreted as synchronous streams of values which are combined in sequence.

With this stream interpretation it's you don't think in terms of the whole list, so choosing the longest stream is clearly cheating, and the correct interpretation of failing over from the first ZipList to the second in the definition <|> would be to do so on the fly as the first finishes, as you say in your instance.

Zipping two lists together doesn't do this simply because of the type signature, but it's the correct interpretation of <|>.

Longest Possible List

When you zip two lists together, the result is the minimum of the two lengths. This is because that's the longest possible list that meets the type signature without using ⊥. It's a mistake to think of this as picking the shorter of the two lengths - it's the longest possible.

Similarly <|> should generate the longest possible list, and it should prefer the left list. Clearly it should take the whole of the left list and take up the right list where the left left off to preserve synchronisation/zippiness.

There is in fact a sensible Alternative instance for ZipList. It comes from a paper on free near-semirings (which MonadPlus and Alternative are examples of):

instance Alternative ZipList where
  empty = ZipList []

  ZipList xs <|> ZipList ys = ZipList $ go xs ys where
    go [] bs = bs
    go as [] = as
    go (a:as) (_:bs) = a:go as bs

This is a more performant version of the original code for it, which was

ZipList xs <|> ZipList ys = ZipList $ xs ++ drop (length xs) ys