Installing packages in Sublime Text 2

Here is a link to a shorter and to the point description:

The steps are:

  1. Install package control.
  2. Go to and grab the install code.
  3. In Sublime Text 2 open the console (Ctrl+`) and paste the code.
  4. Restart Sublime Text 2.
  5. Open command palette via Command+Shift+P (Mac OSX) or Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows).
  6. Start typing Package Control and choose the package you are looking for.

Try using Sublime Package Control to install your packages.

Also take a look at these tips

With Package Control in Sublime Text 2, you really need to become cozy with a couple of different things to make it all work:

  1. Always look up a package in the wbond community. There you'll be able to see how many people have installed that package (the more popular, the better) as well as the documentation on the package (if any).
  2. Menu Items under Prefs > Package Control. Here you can install, remove or see a list of all installed packages.
  3. Prefs > Package Settings. Here you'll find the settings that can be tinkered with as well as shortcut keys that are available. Make sure to make any changes in the User Settings, rather than the Default Settings. Otherwise, your settings will be overwritten when that package is updated.
  4. CTRL+SHIFT+P. This will bring up a menu where you can look up a lot of the functions your installed packages can do. Just start typing and it will start filtering.

