Installing MongoDB with Homebrew

Formula mongodb has been removed from homebrew-core. Check pr-43770 from homebrew-core

To our users: if you came here because mongodb stopped working for you, we have removed it from the Homebrew core formulas since it was migrated to a non open-source license.

Fortunately, the team of mongodb is maintaining a custom Homebrew tap. You can uninstall the old mongodb and reinstall the new one from the new tap.

# If you still have the old mongodb installed from homebrew-core
brew services stop mongodb
brew uninstall homebrew/core/mongodb

# Use the migrated distribution from custom tap
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
brew services start mongodb-community

Check mongodb/homebrew-brew for more info.

With regards to macOS Big Sur and Homebrew the mongodb documentation states:

You should install MongoDB 4.4 Community Edition which supports macOS 10.13 or later, Therefor these steps will be helpful.

SOLUTION 1: If you have previously installed an older version of the formula, you may encounter a ChecksumMismatchError to fix that:

Remove the downloaded .tgz archive.

brew untap mongodb/brew && brew tap mongodb/brew

Retap the formula.

  brew install [email protected] 

SOLUTION 2: If you haven't installed any version of the formula.

1, Install the Xcode command-line tools and the Homebrew from

xcode-select --install

2, Tap the MongoDB Homebrew Tap:

brew tap mongodb/brew

3, Verify installation prerequisites in the macOS Terminal:

brew tap | grep mongodb

4, install MongoDB

brew install [email protected]

Note: The installation includes:

• The mongod server,

• The mongos sharded cluster query router,

• The mongo shell

refer to this screenshot:

enter image description here

Finally to run MongoDB (i.e. the mongod process) as a macOS service, issue the following:

brew services start [email protected]


enter image description here