Installing libspatialindex on Windows 8

Not really sure but libspatialindex is only a C library (low level).

You should just need to use the Rtree Windows installer, a Python package using libspatialindex on the top.

In fact, since we answered, the install process has changed. You need to get a remote URL to a file ending with .whl (for "wheel", a new Python packaging way to ease installation) or you can download the file and install from it.

Then, you will do from command line:

# Install from remote ressource
pip install
# Or for local downloaded file
pip install Rtree-0.8.2-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl

We know what we are installing because of file name convention:

  • Rtree-0.8.2 = Rtree version 0.8.2
  • cp27-cp27m = Version of Python = 2.7
  • win_amd64 = Windows 64 bits architecture

For installation, you can also use this page from official docs.