Installing Language Tool in TexStudio

You may follow the steps as shown in the clip (

  1. Download and install Java of 32 or 64 bits version from
  2. Download Language tool from
  3. Unzip the downloaded package and open languagetool.jar. Open "Text Checking"-> "Options", tick "Run as server on port" and set it as 8081. enter image description here
  4. Open Texstudio and click on "Options"->"Configure Texstudio". Check the "Inline Checking" in "Editor" section. Make sure that "Show advanced options" in the lower left corner is checked, and modify the "LanguageTool" in "Grammar" section as below. Specifically, set "Server URL" as "http://localhost:8081", "LT Path" and "Java" respectively as the paths of " languagetool.jar" and "java.exe". enter image description here

To test this, (re)start texstudio, and check whether the Languagetool is running on the desired port by navigating to http://localhost:8081/ on your machine.

Note that the TexStudio 2.12.6 does not work with Languagetools version > 3.5 since the http API is no longer offered. (Fixed in a later version)[].

I am using TeXstudio with Language Tool under Windows 7 without any problems. The entry in the wiki is not valid for the newest version. You need to use the languagetool.jar. Then everything should work. All the other files you mentionend, existed in previous version of the tool, but are now removed. See the changelog.

The answer for Linux Users ;)

  1. Download the LanguageTool for desktop
  2. Unpack the downloaded .zip file (just provisionally) in your download folder. The terminal command is, for example, unzip (of course the name depends on the LanguageTool version)
  3. Move the unpacked folder to an appropriate directory. I personally recommend the directory /opt Therefore, write in terminal sudo mv LanguageTool-3.9 /opt (without ".zip" extension!)
  4. Adapt the Settings in Texstudio (Options > Configure TeXstudio > Language Checking > LanguageTool) There you introduce following: (see picture)

    a. The path of the languagetool.jar file in the LT Path field. In our case we type: /opt/LanguageTool-3.9/languagetool.jar

    b. The path to the java platform in the Java field. In our case we type: /usr/bin/java (of course it is prerequisite that you hava java installed)

enter image description here