Installing GDAL on MacOSX?

So far

brew install gdal --HEAD

resulted in

$ ogr2ogr --version
GDAL 2.1.0dev, released 2015/99/99

IMHO homebrew will be best/easiest, once their build issues are fixed. They are on the case, so if you have a GitHub account you may want to subscribe to notifications on the relevant issue - that way you'll know the moment it is available:

I just tried the Python easy_install route and it blew up my meagre 4GB RAM - so I'll be waiting for the brew formula..

Edit - August 2016

Homebrew now has a specific formula for GDAL 2+ gdal-20 which right now installs GDAL v2.1.0

As @Deo_Leung reported, the OSGeo Github is your friend. But it is even easier:

  brew tap osgeo/osgeo4mac
  #brew search gdal (if you want to see the various available versions)
  brew install gdal2

Start it and grab a coffee, as it is doing a real make behind the scene ;-)

Check as well the output to add the correct symlinks