Installing chrome gives an error: "dependency is not satisfiable"

Here's how to fix it.

Close Ubuntu Software Center (important if it's open!).

Run the following command in a terminal (To open a terminal, hit Alt-F2 and type in gnome-terminal)

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f

Once that's done, Google Chrome should be finished installing.

As per a comment asking for more info, here's what that command does.

The -f switch in apt-get auto-corrects broken dependencies. The issue you had was a broken dependencies (so Google Chrome needed a package it didn't have).

One of the comments above has already mentioned this, but I would put this as the answer for your question.

All you need to do to install Chromium (read Chrome) in Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install chromium-browser

(it's in the universe repository)

Consider installing Chromium instead. This is what is maintained by the community. Among their differences is it lacks Google branding, it doesn't have a built-in Flash Player and doesn't have a built-in PDF viewer. You still use the same plugins (even from the same Google webpage), themes etc. Using Chromium you will be sure to receive all the security and other updates, etc. If you still want the Chrome instead, just add their PPA.

P.S. Here are some useful commands to check your packages when something like that you experienced happens:

sudo apt-get update     # updates lists of packages (for example, you run this when you add new repositories or PPA's)
sudo apt-get check      # verifies that there are no broken dependencies
sudo apt-get -f install # -f auto-corrects broken dependencies