Installing Android Market App on Emulator

Android market application cannot be directly downloaded to a computer. But there may be some alternative sites that provide the .apk file of the application. Search in Google. If you got that .apk file downloaded in your system, you can easily install that by the following steps. I usually do like this.

  • First of all copy the .apk file to the android sdk --> 'platform-tools' directory

  • To start the emulator use type the following command on your terminal

    cd /path_to_android_sdk/platform-tools // press enter

    then type the following to start the emulator

    emulator -avd <emulator_name> // press enter

<emulator_name> is the name that you have given when you first created that emulator. If you don't know that name, go to eclipse and click window-->Avd and Sdk manager. On that window you can see the AVD name.

After that wait for a couple of minutes so that the emulator starts. After that, unlock the emulator:

  • Open another tab in terminal or open another terminal and type the following commands

    cd /path_to_android_sdk/platform-tools; ls //press enter

    Now you should see your application name.

    adb install <name_of_the_apk> // press enter ./adb install <name_of_the_apk> // for MAC machine

After that you can see a success message.

  • Eventually press on the menu launcher button on the emulator where you can see your application installed. Click on the icon to launch that application.

Look at this - might be what you're looking for

Pull the apk from a real device and then install it on the emulator. Check adb sdk tool for command line options.

