Installation appears to be corrupt [Unsupported] - Visual Studio Code

Maybe you installed an unsupported theme or extension, i.e. JS CSS loader and themes like SynthWave '84, this theme and extension are not supported by Visual Studio Code or change protected files that VScode uses.

Short answer - try vs-code extension Fix VSCode Checksums.
After installation, open command palette and run 'Fix Checksums: Apply'.
Now, just restart your vs-code.
Alternatively, open command palette and write 'Developer: Reload Window'.

That's it.

This fixes the issue for me as well (If you ever have any problems/doubts and wanted to undo what you just did, open command palette and execute 'Fix Checksums: Restore').

Details - I was having the same issue after installing 'SynthWave 84 theme' and 'Enable Neon Dreams' (that glow effect), as mentioned by answers above.

I searched for it and even though vs-code documentation suggested to re-install the VS Code (as mentioned in the second answer), I was willing to search for another possible solution.
so, I found this section on 'SynthWave 84' extension official page.
thus, just wanted to add another possibility to this question, which may help someone.

I will be following this and if it causes any issue in VS Code updates or anything related, I will provide an update.

JFYI - I am on macOS Catalina, but I am sure it will be the same for windows as well and vs-code September 2020 (version 1.50)

I got this issue after installing "SynthWave 84" extension.

Official documentation is recommending the reinstallation of VSCode!

However, Took the following steps to resolve this issue as I never wanted to reinstall VSCode!

  • Uninstall "SynthWave 84" extension and this restarts VSCode
  • Restart VSCode manually again by closing all the VSCode projects
  • Update VSCode (Click on Settings -> Check for Updates) and this restarts VSCode.

Voila, the issue got resolved without having to reinstall VSCode.