Install gitlab-ce on ubuntu server 17.04

I was facing the same problem (Lubuntu 17.10), after searching the gitlab forums for 2 Hours, I found this thread. So from what I have read: Gitlab-ce is not supported for zesty yet. Also the simple

sudo apt-get install gitlab

is a wrong prompt cause it installs a Ubuntu package created by a user named as "praveen" and It is not officially supported by Gitlab.

here is what I did To solve my problem:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitlab_gitlab-ce.list

replace "zesty" with "xenial" (These files are root access only)

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce

This worked for me. I have spent my whole afternoon for solving this problem, I hope this solution works for you too.

Prost !

EDIT: corrected spelling

I gave up with the "full" automated script, as it doesn't appear to be working with 17.04... Anyway. I grabbed the latest package from

curl -LJO

Installed it with the package manager

sudo dpkg -i gitlab-ce_9.3.0-ce.0_amd64.deb

Then configured it with

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

Then, point your web browser at your new gitlab install and you should be good to go...

Ubuntu 20.04.1

Incase anyone bumps back into this, while trying to gitlab on version 20.0.4 of ubuntu, life is much easier... and the instructions and automated script actually work. GitLab-CE installation instructions

on a fresh install of ubuntu: -

sudo apt install curl
curl -s ce/ | sudo bash
sudo apt install gitlab-ce


I had the same problem getting the install to run on 17.10. According to an issue on their site ( ), the artful packages are not being built.

I did the same this as @DevX, but just changed the parameters on their setup script.

Howler@GitLab:/tmp$ curl -LO

Howler@GitLab:/tmp$ sudo os=ubuntu dist=xenial bash ./

Howler@GitLab:/tmp$ sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce