Install Composer and configure with XAMPP

Install composer like so:

sudo curl -s | /opt/lampp/bin/php

After installation, you should then symlink it by running command:

sudo ln -s /opt/lampp/bin/php /usr/local/bin/php

Then run the command below to allow the 'composer' command to be run globally (this will be run from within the folder where you've just installed composer in which a composer.phar file has just been created):

sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

  1. Enable the php version from xampp globally

    In Terminal run: sudo gedit /etc/environment

    Add this inside quote ":/opt/lampp/bin"

    click save then close everything.

    or symlink - "ln -s /opt/lampp/bin/php /usr/local/bin/php"

  2. Install Curl sudo apt-get install curl

  3. Install composer sudo curl -sS | php

  4. mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

now:: try "composer" - it should work!


