inserting sentences between subequations

A look through the amsmath manual (texdoc amsmath) will be beneficial. The intertext command may be what you're after, alignment points are specified with &:

 \intertext{Here $x$ is an arbitrary constant}

enter image description here

As Torbjørn pointed out, the \intertext-command from amsmath allows to add normal text within an align-environment (or similar) while keeping the alignement points.




  a &= b \\
  c &= d
\intertext{Some text}
  e &= f

intertext from amsmath

It should be mentioned, however, that Morten Hoegholm's package mathtools (which provides several corrections for and additions to amsmath), corrects a slight problem of \intertext and provides a new command \shortintertext with less spacing.

  a &= b \\
  c &= d
\shortintertext{Some text}
  e &= f

shortintertext from mathtools

In addition to this, there are options to fine-tune spacing.

% (This works, in contrast to what can be found in the current version of the manual.)
  aboveshortintertextdim=20pt, % (default: 3pt)
  belowshortintertextdim=10pt, % (default: 3pt)

  a &= b \\
  c &= d
\shortintertext{Some text with excessive spacing}
  e &= f


shortintertext with adjusted spacing