Insert multiple figures in Latex

Below is how to insert two figures. Pls adapt this as per your needs. You need subcaption package.

\caption{plots of....}

enter image description here

Refer this for information about another method

This is also similar to what you are looking for - how to put subfigures in several rows

Instead of you using two environments-subfig and figure, you can just use figure and subfloat

\usepackage[caption = false]{subfig}
\subfloat[fig 1]{\includegraphics[width = 3in]{something}} 
\subfloat[fig 2]{\includegraphics[width = 3in]{something}}\\
\subfloat[fig 3]{\includegraphics[width = 3in]{something}}
\subfloat[fig 4]{\includegraphics[width = 3in]{something}} 
\caption{Add your own figures before compiling}
\label{some example}

After every two figures add \\ or adjust the width so that only two figures fit side by side.


Please change




to see your actual images (instead you will always see black boxes.