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You want something like:

insert or replace into Book (ID, Name, TypeID, Level, Seen) values
((select ID from Book where Name = "SearchName"), "SearchName", ...);

Note that any field not in the insert list will be set to NULL if the row already exists in the table. This is why there's a subselect for the ID column: In the replacement case the statement would set it to NULL and then a fresh ID would be allocated.

This approach can also be used if you want to leave particular field values alone if the row in the replacement case but set the field to NULL in the insert case.

For example, assuming you want to leave Seen alone:

insert or replace into Book (ID, Name, TypeID, Level, Seen) values (
   (select ID from Book where Name = "SearchName"),
    (select Seen from Book where Name = "SearchName"));

You should use the INSERT OR IGNORE command followed by an UPDATE command: In the following example name is a primary key:

INSERT OR IGNORE INTO my_table (name, age) VALUES ('Karen', 34)
UPDATE my_table SET age = 34 WHERE name='Karen'

The first command will insert the record. If the record exists, it will ignore the error caused by the conflict with an existing primary key.

The second command will update the record (which now definitely exists)