Insert character at Cursor position in VUE JS

<!-- tag -->
<textarea ref="yourTextarea" v-model.trim="txtContent" ......></textarea>

// methods:
insertSomething: function(insert) {
  const self = this;
  var tArea = this.$refs.yourTextarea;
  // filter:
  if (0 == insert) {
  if (0 == cursorPos) {

  // get cursor's position:
  var startPos = tArea.selectionStart,
    endPos = tArea.selectionEnd,
    cursorPos = startPos,
    tmpStr = tArea.value;

  // insert:
  self.txtContent = tmpStr.substring(0, startPos) + insert + tmpStr.substring(endPos, tmpStr.length);

  // move cursor:
  setTimeout(() => {
    cursorPos += insert.length;
    tArea.selectionStart = tArea.selectionEnd = cursorPos;
  }, 10);

Two steps:

1 get textarea element using a vue-way:

1.1 Add ref attrbute to textarea tag in your template code:

<textarea ref="ta"></textarea>

1.2 get this element after mounted hook of this component:

let textarea = this.$refs.ta

2 get cursor position of textarea element.

let cursorPosition = textarea.selectionStart

Here is reference: ref