Insert a new element in a specified position of a list

In the Scala course by his eminence Martin Odersky himself, he implements it similarly to

def insert(list: List[Any], i: Int, value: Any): List[Any] = list match {
  case head :: tail if i > 0 => head :: insert(tail, i-1, value)
  case _ => value :: list

One traversal at most.

You can also use xs.patch(i, ys, r), which replaces r elements of xs starting with i by the patch ys, by using r=0 and by making ys a singleton:

List(1, 2, 3, 5).patch(3, List(4), 0)

Type Safety

The most glaring thing I see is the lack of type safety / loss of type information. I would make the method generic in the list's element type:

def insert[T](list: List[T], i: Int, value: T) = {
  list.take(i) ++ List(value) ++ list.drop(i)


If the body only consists of a single expression, there is no need for curly braces:

def insert[T](list: List[T], i: Int, value: T) = 
  list.take(i) ++ List(value) ++ list.drop(i)


@Marth's comment about using List.splitAt to avoid traversing the list twice is also a good one:

def insert[T](list: List[T], i: Int, value: T) = {
  val (front, back) = list.splitAt(i)
  front ++ List(value) ++ back


It would probably be convenient to be able to insert more than one value at a time:

def insert[T](list: List[T], i: Int, values: T*) = {
  val (front, back) = list.splitAt(i)
  front ++ values ++ back

Interface, take 2

You could make this an extension method of List:

implicit class ListWithInsert[T](val list: List[T]) extends AnyVal {
  def insert(i: Int, values: T*) = {
    val (front, back) = list.splitAt(i)
    front ++ values ++ back

List(1, 2, 3, 6).insert(3, 4, 5)
// => List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Closing remarks

Note, however, that inserting into the middle of the list is just not a good fit for a cons list. You'd be much better off with a (mutable) linked list or a dynamic array instead.

