Inline chess symbols

Scale the big sizes (to take on the vertical footprint of "Xg").

\scalerel*{\WhiteKingOnWhite}{Xg} and \scalerel*{\BlackKingOnWhite}{Xg}

enter image description here

I know only of one font prepared for pdflatex which provides black figurines, Berlin. But it is not in texlive (due to licence reasons) only on ctan (in the enpassant package) and in miktex.

You can change the size of the board font with \setboardfontsize:

 \figfont KQRBNP \fontshape{bl}\selectfont KQRBNP}


\BlackKingOnWhite \setboardfontsize{10pt} \BlackKingOnWhite


enter image description here

As an alternative you could create pictures of the various figurines (e.g. by using lualatex, standalone and one of the open type fonts which has the symbols), and then use them with a faked font encoding:


\DeclareFontShape{LSFI}{skaknew}{m}{n}{<-> SkakNew-Figurine}{}

\DeclareTextCommand\cfss@symrook  {LSFI}{\includegraphics[height=1em,page=1]{example-image-duck}}{}
\DeclareTextCommand\cfss@symknight {LSFI}{\includegraphics[height=1em,page=2]{example-image-duck}}
\DeclareTextCommand\cfss@symbishop {LSFI}{\includegraphics[height=1em,page=3]{example-image-duck}}
\DeclareTextCommand\cfss@symqueen  {LSFI}{\includegraphics[height=1em,page=4]{example-image-duck}}
\DeclareTextCommand\cfss@symking   {LSFI}{\includegraphics[height=1em,page=5]{example-image-duck}}
\DeclareTextCommand\cfss@sympawn   {LSFI}{\includegraphics[height=1em,page=6]{example-image-duck}}




\symqueen \symking\symqueen\symrook\symbishop\symknight\sympawn



\symqueen \symking\symqueen\symrook\symbishop\symknight\sympawn


enter image description here

I'm not sure if this answer your question, but using XeTeX or LuaTeX including chess symbols (range U+2654-U+265F) is as easy as copy-pasting them. Obviously you'll need a font with proper support (I chose DejaVu Sans):

\newfontfamily{\chessfont}{DejaVu Sans}
\char"265A %♚
\char"265B %♛
\char"265C %♜
\char"265D %♝
\char"265E %♞
\char"265F %♟︎

enter image description here