Indexing PDF with Solr

With solr-4.9 (the latest version as of now), extracting data from rich documents like pdfs, spreadsheets(xls, xlxs family), presentations(ppt, ppts), documentation(doc, txt etc) has become fairly simple. The sample code examples provided in the downloaded archive from here contains a basic solr template project to get you started quickly.

The necessary configuration changes are as follows:

  1. Change the solrConfig.xml to include following lines :

    <lib dir="<path_to_extraction_libs>" regex=".*\.jar" /> <lib dir="<path_to_solr_cell_jar>" regex="solr-cell-\d.*\.jar" />

create a request handler as follows:

<requestHandler name="/update/extract" startup="lazy" class="solr.extraction.ExtractingRequestHandler" > <lst name="defaults" /> </requestHandler>

2.Add the necessary jars from the solrExample to your project.

3.Define the schema as per your needs and fire a query like :

curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/collection1/update/extract?" -F "[email protected]"

go to the GUI portal and query to see the indexed contents.

Let me know if you face any problems.

You could use the dataImportHandler. The DataImortHandle will be defined at the solrconfig.xml, the configuration of the DataImportHandler should be realized in an different XML config file (data-config.xml)

For indexing pdf's you could

1.) crawl the directory to find all the pdf's using the FileListEntityProcessor

2.) reading the pdf's from an "content/index"-XML File, using the XPathEntityProcessor

If you have the list of related pdf's, use the TikaEntityProcessor look at this (example with ppt) and this Solr : data import handler and solr cell