"Indexing" a vector

I think the built-in function ArrayComponents is what you need:

vec = {1, 4, 4, 8, 7, 7, 4};
(* {1,2,2,3,4,4,2} *)

mat = {{1, 4}, {2, 7}, {7, 2}, {9, 4}};
(* {{1,2},{3,4},{4,3},{5,2}} *)

raggedarray = RandomSample /@ (CharacterRange["a", "z"][[#]] & /@ 
(* {{"a","b"},{"a"},{"c","b","a"},{"d","c","b","a"},{"e","b","c","d","a"}} *)
(* {{1,2},{1},{3,2,1},{4,3,2,1},{5,2,3,4,1}} *)

genericinput = {{"a", "b"}, 1, 2, {3, 4}, {"a"}, "c", "b", "a", {"d", "c", "d"}, {2, 3}} ;
(* {{1,2},3,4,{5,6},{1},7,2,1,{8,7,8},{4,5}} *)

The old-school way to do this:

index[a_] := Module[{i = 1, f}, f[x_] := f[x] = i++; f /@ a]

index @ vec
{1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2}

A method using Assocation, introduced long after ArrayComponents.

index2[a_List] := AssociationThread[#, Range@Length@#] ~Lookup~ a & @ DeleteDuplicates @ a

Edit #2: extended to matrices using eldo's own method:

index2[m_List?MatrixQ] := Partition[index2 @ Flatten @ m, Last @ Dimensions @ m]

halirutan's unflatten could be used in similar fashion for application to arbitrary nested lists of any structure.



BenchmarkPlot[{ArrayComponents, index, index2}, RandomInteger[#, 5 #] &, 2^Range[3, 20], 
 "IncludeFits" -> True, ImageSize -> 600]

enter image description here

Well then, at least on this first test the older ArrayComponents is several times slower than the newer Assocation and Lookup functionality. Let's try benchmarks with first denser and then sparser duplication:

BenchmarkPlot[{ArrayComponents, index, index2}, RandomInteger[99, 5 #] &, 2^Range[3, 20], 
 "IncludeFits" -> True, ImageSize -> 600]

enter image description here

With dense duplication index2 still beats ArrayComponents. index2 is about six times faster than ArrayCompoents here.

BenchmarkPlot[{ArrayComponents, index, index2}, RandomInteger[15 #, 5 #] &, 
 2^Range[3, 20], "IncludeFits" -> True, ImageSize -> 600]

enter image description here

With sparse duplication index2 is still the winner, but there is indication that it has higher complexity. Let's try single point test with a larger set. (Each in a fresh kernel.)

big = RandomInteger[3*^7, 1*^7];
ArrayComponents[big] // Timing // First

big = RandomInteger[3*^7, 1*^7];
index2[a_] := AssociationThread[#, Range@Length@#] ~Lookup~ a & @ DeleteDuplicates @ a
index2[big] // Timing // First


Not only does index2 remain faster than ArrayComponents it uses only a bit more than half as much memory.

Alright, a final test: perhaps unpacked data is the Achilles heel of index2:

(* don't forget to reload definitions needed for this plot *)

BenchmarkPlot[{ArrayComponents, index, index2}, "foo" /@ RandomInteger[#, #] &, 
 2^Range[3, 20], "IncludeFits" -> True, ImageSize -> 600] 

enter image description here

Nope! :-) It appears that index2 is superior across the board.

you can also use ClusteringComponents function

inex[m_] := ClusteringComponents[m, Length@m + 1];

vec = {1, 4, 4, 8, 7, 7, 4};
(*{1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 2}*)

mat = {{1, 4}, {2, 7}, {7, 2}, {9, 4}};

(*{{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {4, 3}, {5, 2}}*)