What is the difference between List and ForEach in SwiftUI?

SwiftUI List vs ForEach


  • mixed content(also allows to work with collection)
  • scrollable
  • uses reusing cell pattern (efficient)


  • works only with a collection

List + ForEach = super feature. In this case, for example, List uses reusing cell pattern for every view from ForEach. Also you are able to use onMove, onDelete...

  • ForEach is a view that lets you pass a collection of data to its initializer and then creates multiple "subviews" from the closure you provide. It doesn't have any semantics on how the views will be arranged.


      ForEach(1..<5) { row in
          Text("Row \(row)")

    will create the equivalent off

      Text("Row 1")
      Text("Row 2")
      Text("Row 3")
      Text("Row 4")

    wrapped in a single container view.

  • List is a view that can compose multiple views together, but not necessarily views of the same type. You can simply add multiple views without any loop.

    Example 1:

      List {
          Button(action: {
              print("Button tapped!")
          }) {

    As a convenience, the List initializer allows you to use it just like the ForEach view in case you want to have a list consisting of a single cell type only.

    Example 2:

      List(1..<5) { row in
          Text("Row \(row)")

    A list has a special appearance, depending on the platform. For example, on iOS a list will appear as a table view and insert separator lines between its vertically stacked views.

    You can use ForEach views inside List views to have both dynamic and static content – a very powerful feature of SwiftUI.

    Example 3:

      List {
          ForEach(meals) { meal in
          ForEach(drinks) { drink in

