Alter arguments in custom command

Well, you can do it with much shorter code using xparse. No need of if then, we simply use the \str_case_e:nnF macro from expl3.

Edit: As Manuel mentioned in the comments, it is better to grab the first item of the input by running the helper without braces. Then C^* also gets converter into \mathbb{C}^*. The obvious reason for splitting into cases, would be if some was to use \mathbb others \mathcal etc.

   \str_case_e:nnF { #1 }
        & \longrightarrow
        x & \longmapsto #4

Daleif's answer is very pretty and is a really nice demonstration of the power of LaTeX3! On the other hand, I prefer a minimalist approach:


    #1\colon{\mathbb #2}&\longrightarrow{\mathbb #3}\\
        x&\longmapsto #1(x)



This produces:

enter image description here

A few comments:

  • The fourth argument in the OP is redundant as it is the same as #1
  • The first character in #1 and #2 will be typeset in \mathbb, whether or not this makes sense but this fits with all of the examples in the OP so I think that's OK
  • I didn't know about \longmapsto so this question was useful to me!
  • It is better to use \colon than :
  • I added @{} to the array to gobble some extra space before the arrows


Using xparse you can have an optional fourth argument, that defaults to #1:


\NewDocumentCommand\func{ mmm O{#1}}{%
    #1\colon{\mathbb #2}&\longrightarrow{\mathbb #3}\\
        x&\longmapsto #4(x)




This produces:

enter image description here

It is slightly non-standard having the default argument at the end, so you might want to use

\NewDocumentCommand\func{ O{#2}mmm }{%
    #2\colon{\mathbb #3}&\longrightarrow{\mathbb #4}\\
        x&\longmapsto #1(x)

instead but I would put the optional argument at the end as this looks more natural to me.