Activator: command not found

Create a symbolic link to activator:

sudo ln -s /home/govind/activator-1.3.4/activator /usr/bin/activator

You do not need to edit bashrc profile.

I think the documentation should be fixed.The path still works in earlier versions of activator, but the recent versions don't have executable activator in the mentioned directory. Instead, you can find this inside bin folder.

So for earlier versions of activator

export PATH=/home/<user>/activator-dist-1.3.2:$PATH

should do, and for recent versions,

export PATH=/home/<user>/activator-dist-x.x.x/bin:$PATH

/bin is not mentioned in the play documentation

Superuser may not have activator set in $PATH. If sudo is indeed required, try

sudo /home/govind/activator-1.3.2/activator

or sudo copy activator to for instance /usr/bin. Else the procedure depicted proves valid.