Increase LaTeX table row height

To increase the row height in a table you can either increase the \extrarowheight through something like


or stretch the row through something like


as Thorsten Donig points out in the above comment.

IMHO, the best way to increase the height and keep the vertical alignment is to add the space when you break the row with \\, for example with \\[5pt].

This is an example (I've exaggerated a little with 50pt here)




\textbf{Text} & \textbf{Text} &\\[50pt]
text & text&\\[50pt]


Note that I've added a column as the last one defined as @{}m{0pt}@{} to avoid the issue described here: Vertical alignment in table: m-column, row size - problem in last column.


enter image description here

Super Simple Solution

I faced similar problem, & found a (not so conventional but) simple way to solve it. Wish, it will help others too.

I had a table like this-

$x$ & 1 & 2 & 3\\ \hline
$f(x)$ & 1 & 2 & 3

And, I wanted to put some extra space before the second row-

enter image description here

So, I inserted an extra empty line-

$x$ & 1 & 2 & 3\\ \hline 
$f(x)$ & 1 & 2 & 3

But, now I had put too much space there-

enter image description here

So, I used negative line spacing to reduce it-

$x$ & 1 & 2 & 3\\ \hline 
$f(x)$ & 1 & 2 & 3

Great! everything was perfect-

enter image description here

Use package easytable


\begin{TAB}(r,1cm,2cm)[5pt]{|c|c|}{|c|c|c|}% (rows,min,max)[tabcolsep]{columns}{rows}
hi & tall one    \\
hi & medium one  \\
hi & standard one\\


enter image description here