Including default parameter into \def

Just define \graffito with an optional argument:


   \parindent=0pt \lineskip=0pt \lineskiplimit=0pt
   \tolerance=2000 \hyphenpenalty=300 \exhyphenpenalty=300


This has a graffito\graffito{This is a standard graffito}

This has a graffito\graffito[-0.7em]{This is a moved up graffito}

This has a graffito\graffito[1cm]{This is a moved down graffito}


enter image description here

Side note: the original code has % after 300 and 100000: they are wrong.

Since you're using LaTeX syntax anyway, you can use the LaTeX command \newcommand to set a default argument with: \newcommand\graffito@setup[1][0.7em]{\vspace{#1}...}. If you want to not use LaTeX syntax for educational purposes, you can do the following:

We need a first macro which checks whether the optional argument follows. For this we use \futurelet (definition made \protected because we need an assignment here):


We need to check whether the next token is a bracket, if it is the next macro reads its argument, else we give it its default.


Here I use the macros \afterelsefi and \afterfi for some logic branching. They eat their argument and put it after \fi.


Finally the last macro needed for this, this one is the one generating the output:

    Argument was: \texttt{\detokenize{#1}}%

Complete MWE:


    Argument was: \texttt{\detokenize{#1}}%

