Include section number in list number

You could redefine \theenumi using \thesection:


In that case omit \pointedenum, it would destroy that redefinition.

That may also be done using \thesubsection.

Alternatively, here's code using the enumitem package:


Using enumitem you're able to continue numbering by \begin{enumerate}[resume] if you like.

The variables governing the labels for the items in an enumerated list are \labelenumi (for the top level), \labelenumii (next-to-top level),... You can use \renewcommand to redefine them to anything you want.

I would expect this to work, but I have not tried it:


I usually resolve this with the enumerate package. I always use this package anyway to control how items are enumerated by allowing you to specify e.g. \begin{enumerate}[(1)] to have parentheses the numbers etc.. In preamble use



\section{This is section 1}
\begin{enumerate}[\thesection .1]
\item This is item 1.1
\item This is item 1.2

\subsection{This is section 1.1}
\begin{enumerate}[\thesubsection .1]
\item This is item 1.1.1
\item This is item 1.1.2

This solution allows you to use section numbering in enumerate only where you specify it. However if you want to do this globally I would use Stefan Kottwitz' solution above.