In Vista Explorer, how can I search the contents of all files in a directory for a word?

I use Notepad++ for that kind of searching. It's lighter to open than Eclipse and you have a nice output and many other options. Of course there are many other tools, but I like this one.


Find In Files

I have also searched far and wide for this. It seems the "include non-indexed" options still excludes certain file types (I have set up a similar test, and if I rename the file to .txt it works, rename back to .php and it can't find it). It seems the only way to get around that is to actually force vista to search that file type instructions here.

However for me prepping Vista for every extension I might want to search isn't a solution. I tend to use a free utility called agent ransack. It allows you to specify a folder, and will search for file contents, and considering its brute force mechanism, it is surprisingly fast.

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