In Ruby how do I find the index of one of an array of elements?

You can use find_index and pass the needed value from the array:

a = ["a", "b", "c"]
p a.find_index('a')
p a.find_index('b')
p a.find_index('c')
# => 0
# => 1
# => 2

You can use map to get every element inside your a array and then to get the index corresponding to each element:

p{|e| a.find_index(e)}
# => [0, 1, 2]

Another possible way to handle it could be to use the Enumerable#each_with_index:

a.each_with_index{|e,i| puts "Element: #{e}, Index: #{i}"}
# => Element: a, Index: 0
# => Element: b, Index: 1
# => Element: c, Index: 2

If you want to check the indexes for each element in ["b", "c"] using the ["a", "b", "c"] array, you can map the first one, get the array values, and then use the a,b,c to check those indexes:

p ["b", "c"].map{|e| ["a", "b", "c"].find_index(e) }
# => [1, 2]

You can also see Array#index and Enumerable#find_index.

find_index takes a single element. You could find the minimum by doing something like

a = ["a", "b", "c"]
to_find = ["b", "c"] {|i| a.find_index(i) } .compact.min # => 1

You can use Array#index with a block.

a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
a.index { |x| ['b', 'c'].include?(x) }
#=> 1

Quote from the docs:

If a block is given instead of an argument, returns the index of the first object for which the block returns true. Returns nil if no match is found.

As Cary pointed out in his comment it is not the most performant algorithm to compare all elements in a against all elements in ['b', 'c'] (this would lead to O(n*m)). Depending on the size of both arrays if might sense to build a more efficient data structure first. Using a Set instead of an Array has some cost in creating the set upfront, but makes the comparison in the block much faster (overall O(n+m)):

require 'set'

a = ['a', 'b', 'c']
set =['b', 'c'])
a.index { |x| set.include?(x) }
#=> 1


