In powershell, how can I use Rename-Item to output the old and new file names at the same time?

Get-Childitem C:\Temp |
    Foreach-object {
        $OldName = $; 
        $NewName = $ -replace 'temp','test'; 
        Rename-Item -Newname $NewName; 
        Write-Output $("Renamed {0} to {1}" -f $OldName,$NewName)

One simple solution is to run rename-item with -WhatIf. This will display something like

PS H:\test> gci | rename-item -newname { $ -replace 'temp','test' } -WhatIf
What if: Performing operation "Rename File" on Target "Item: H:\test\temp1 Destination: H:\test\test1".

Good enough, or do you need it to do it while also doing the operation?

EDIT: An even simpler solution, use -Verbose. Does the same as the -WhatIf, but also performing the operation :)

You can do it like this:

gci . | %{ rename-item -Path $_.fullname -NewName ($ + 1); Write-Host "Renamed $($_.fullname) to $($ + 1)"}