In PostgreSQL, how do I make it so that either column A or column B must be non-null?

You need a table-level check constraint:

alter table <name>
  add constraint either_email
    check (email is not null or p2pmail is not null);

If you're only allowed to enter one, but not both:

alter table <name>
  add constraint either_email
    check (email is null <> p2pmail is null);

The second form is possibly a little confusing at first glance: what it does is compare both columns' null status -- they aren't allowed to be the same.

The constraint can also be created simultaneously with the table:

create table <name> (
  ... columns ...
  constraint either_email check (email is not null or p2pmail is not null)

I like using num_nonnulls for this:

alter table the_table
  add constraint check_at_least_one_email
  check (num_nonnulls(email, p2pmail) > 0);

I prefer this because it can easily be extended to multiple columns.

If you also want to deal with empty strings:

alter table the_table
  add constraint check_at_least_one_email
  check (num_nonnulls(nullif(trim(email),''), nullif(trim(p2pmail),'')) > 0);

If you require exactly one non-null value change > 0 to = 1