In Mac Chrome, how can I return focus from the address bar to the page?

How about this method using the browser's search:

  1. Ctrl + F (search)
  2. Input any single character into -- might as well search for an F on the page since your finger is already there
  3. Hit Enter taking you to the first search result
  4. Esc to cancel the search

It's a bit of a kludge, but it's fewer keystrokes than the tab solution proposed. With the tab solution, I have to tab over each of the Chrome extension icons and each item in my bookmarks bar before I get to the main window.

This question is also asked separately, and another highly upvoted answer is given here: which relies on creating a new search engine with a short keyword.

As per @Peeja's request, making my comment an answer:

How about 2x Tab?

Of course, it only works without any bars between location and web page. So hide the bookmark bar using Cmd-Shift-B temporarily.

Another option is (ab)using the Find related shortcuts to be able to move the page. If you're focusing the location bar, and press Cmd-F/G, any up/down key presses are forwarded to the web page view, as long as the find widget is open.

Unfortunately, neither the Chrome scripting dictionary nor the Chrome help were particularly useful.

You can (in theory) execute JavaScript via

tell application "Google Chrome"
    tell window 1
        tell tab 1
            execute javascript "window.document.focus();"
        end tell
    end tell
end tell

But it doesn't work as expected.

You can use Typinator or a similar tool and create a hotkey that enters javascript:enter. This will "leave" the location bar by entering an empty javascript command.