Apple - In iTerm2 Command Click on URLS does not work when inside a tmux session

To use the normal mouse behavior in tmux you have to keep alt pressed. So click on the link while pressing cmd+alt. The same applies when selecting text.

I ran into this issue today. I would command-click on a URL in iTerm2 (Mac) and the app would seemingly lose focus but the link wouldn't open in a browser (Chrome, in my case). This used to work fine for me so I was a little confused and the other answers here didn't work for me.

It seemed to me that Chrome was "trying" to open but failing for some reason. I ran ps -ax | grep -i chrome to get a list of the Chrome or Chrome-related processes that were running and sure enough there was a process running that didn't correspond to an application that I was actively using.

Long story short, I killed all the Chrome-related processes and command-click worked again.