In C++, how to print ASCII art to the console?

Adjacent string literals are concatenated, so you can do this:

cout << " _______________________ _______ _          _______         _______ _______  _______ _       _______         \n"
        "(  ____ \__   __/  ___  )  ____ \ \    /\  (  ___  )\     /|  ____ \  ____ )(  ____ \ \     (  ___  )\     /|\n"
        "| (    \/  ) (  | (   ) | (    \/  \  / /  | (   ) | )   ( | (    \/ (    )|| (    \/ (     | (   ) | )   ( |\n"
        "| (_____   | |  | (___) | |     |  (_/ /   | |   | | |   | | (__   | (____)|| (__   | |     | |   | | | _ | |\n"
        "(_____  )  | |  |  ___  | |     |   _ (    | |   | | (   ) )  __)  |     __)|  __)  | |     | |   | | |( )| |\n"
        "      ) |  | |  | (   ) | |     |  ( \ \   | |   | |\ \_/ /| (     | (\ (   | (     | |     | |   | | || || |\n"
        "/\____) |  | |  | )   ( | (____/\  /  \ \  | (___) | \   / | (____/\ ) \ \__| )     | (____/\ (___) | () () |\n"
        "\_______)  )_(  |/     \|_______/_/    \/  (_______)  \_/  (_______//   \__/|/      (_______/_______)_______)\n";

Or, more accurately, perhaps:

cout << "                              .::/-                                                                                                                                                             \n"
        "                              .+++/                                                                                                                                                             \n"
        "                   `.::`       /+++.                                                                                                                                                            \n"
        "                  -////.      :+++-                                                                                                                                                             \n"
        "                    .////-`    .+++/`                                                                                                                                                           \n"
        "                    `:///:`   `/++/.                                                                                                                                                            \n"
        "            ..`        -////.   -+++:                                                                                                                                                           \n"
        "           :+++:-`      .////:` ./++/`                                                                                                                                                          \n"
        "          `-/+++++/-.    `:////.`:++/.                                                                                                                                                          \n"
        "             `.:/++++/:.`  -////..:--`                                                                                                                                                          \n"
        "                 .-/+++++/-..::.`                                                                                                                                                               \n"
        "       `:::-..``    `.:/++++-                                                                                                                                                                   \n"
        "       -++++++///:--.```.-/-                                                                                                                                                                    \n"
        "        `.--:///++++++//::.                                                                                                                                                                     \n"
        "`--.          ``..-::///+/``---                                                 -+-                                                             ./oso- /++:                                     \n"
        "-oo+  -::::----....````... `ooo                  :s-                            /mo                                                            -dmmhy:`hmmo                                     \n"
        "-oo+  /+++++++++++++++++/. `ooo                  om:                            /mo             ````     ```      ```    ``.``      ```  `.``  ommd`` `hmmo       ``.``    ```     ```     ```  \n"
        "-oo+  ...----::::////+++/` `ooo      `/ssyss+:`.ohmyoo` .+ssyss+-     -+syys+-  /mo    -o+.  .ohdmmdho- -hdd/   `sdds` :shmmmdy/`  .hddshdmmhoydmmmhy:`hmmo    .+hdmmmds- .ddd/   .ddh-   +ddh. \n"
        "-oo+  ```````````````````  `ooo     .yh-.``-/-  .sm/.` `/o-```-sd+  .sd+-..-++` /mo  .odo.  :dmmy+/smmm: +mmh-  /mmd- +mmh+:/smmy- .dmmdo/+s:`/ymmm++.`hmmo   .dmmh++smmd+`ommd` `ymmmy  .hmm+  \n"
        "-oo+  +oooooooooooooooooo- `ooo     -dy.         om:           -dy` +m/         /mo`+dy-   `smmy`  `smmy``smms`.hmm/ -dmd+---:hmmo`.dmm+       ommd   `hmmo   ommh.   ommh..ymm+ +mmdmm/ ommy.  \n"
        "-oo+  /++++++++++++++++++. `ooo      -oyhyyys/`  om:   `:osyyyyymy``sm-         /myhyhd:   `smms    +mmh` `dmm/smms  :dmmddddddddo`.dmm/       ommd   `hmmo   smmy`   /mmd. :dmd+dmy-ymd+hmd:   \n"
        "-oo+                       `ooo          ``.+do  om:   /do.    -dy``om:         /md/``od+` `ommh.  `ymmy`  :dmmmmy.  .hmd/`````.`  .dmm/       ommd    hmmo   +mmh-   smmy` `smmmmm- :dmmmmo    \n"
        "-oo+:::::::::::::::::::::::/ooo     -+:.```.od+  +mo.` /do.```.omy` .sd/.``.//` /mo    +dy. -ymmdysdmmh-    +mmmh-    :dmmyoosdd+` .dmm/       ommd    ommmso.`ymmdyshmmh:   .hmmm+   +mmmd`    \n"
        "-oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo     ./syyyyyo:`  `:sys.`:syyyys+yo`  `:syyyyo:` :h/     :ys` `:shddhs/`     `ohy/      ./shddhy+-  .shh:       /hhy    `:syhs. `:oyhdhs/.     /hho`   `shh/     \n"

More sensibly, use endl. This is subtly different from just "\n" after each line, because you'll also flush the output stream.

try something like:

cout << R"(place multiple lines
           of text here
           and it will display exactly
           as you have it between the two brackets,
           line feeds and all.)";

...the above code will also allow you to use characters like the backslash \ without needing two of them, it displays everything and doesn't recognize control codes, like \n etc. Very handy.

This is called a "string literal" and was added in C++11. You can find more information on the commands here, specifically refer to the prefix "R" which is for raw_characters:

Others have already suggested using endl. While this isn't (necessarily) a bad thing, using endl flushes the stream's buffer along with writing a new-line. Contrary to the implication in one of the answers you've gotten, using endl does not help (at all) with translating the new-line to whatever character sequence the platform normally uses to signal the end of a line. Using newline is guaranteed to be precisely equivalent to stream << "\n" << flush;". Translating new-lines to "\r", or "\n" or "\r\n", or whatever the platform prefers, is done at a different level and newline has nothing to do with it.

The flush that it does, however, can (and often will) slow down your I/O, sometimes by quite a considerable margin. As long as you're only writing a few lines (e.g. a couple hundred characters) it's probably completely irrelevant. If you're writing a large file, however, using endl instead of "\n" can easily result in a 10x slowdown (in fact, I'd go so far as to say that much of the idea that iostreams are slow stems directly from using endl).

That's not to say there's never any reason to use endl. The flush assures that whatever has been written to the stream is immediately flushed out of the standard library's buffer, and sent to the OS. If you want to assure immediate display, endl can be useful. Likewise, if you're doing logging, and it's critical that your log always reflect the most recent known state of a program, endl can be (extremely) useful to assure that what you've written really gets logged, not lost in a buffer when/if the application crashes.

So, endl makes sense at times, but probably 95% of the time that it's used, it's really inappropriate (e.g., it's unlikely to accomplish anything useful in any of the answers to this question).