In C#, how do I convert a XmlNode to string, with indentation? (Without looping)

You were on the right path with the XMLTextWriter, you simply need to use a StringWriter as the base stream. Here are a few good answers on how this is accomplished. Pay particular attention to the second answer, if your encoding needs to be UTF-8.


If you need to do this in multiple places, it is trivial to write an extension method to overload a ToString() on XmlNode:

public static class MyExtensions
    public static string ToString(this System.Xml.XmlNode node, int indentation)
        using (var sw = new System.IO.StringWriter())
            using (var xw = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(sw))
                xw.Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented;
                xw.Indentation = indentation;
            return sw.ToString();

If you don't care about memory or performance, the simplest thing is:
