ImportExport problem with new destructor of Varien_Image_Adapter_Gd2 in

That looks like they tried to make sure to destroy the image resource, but instead introduced a memory leak. I cannot think of a valid reason for this code, to be honest, but I can explain what has been changed:

Originally, imagedestroy() would have been called in the desctructor __destruct()

function __destruct()

The destructor is called whenever the PHP garbage collector destroys unused objects (i.e. objects in memory that are not referenced anymore).

Now, imagedestroy() is instead called in a shutdown function and since this is a callback to a method of the Varien_Image_Adapter_Gd2 object, it cannot even be garbage collected until the very end. This way all image resources stay open until script execution finishes.

Having the same problems with my Magento

I only get this to work by changing Varien_Image_Adapter_Gd2 in /lib/Varien/Image/Adapter/Gd2.php as follows:

public function __construct()
    // Initialize shutdown function
    // register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'destruct'));

 * Destroy object image on shutdown
public function __destruct()
  • remove line with register_shutdown_function (or comment out)
  • change function name destruct to __destruct

I have set memory_limit back to 1G (previously i raised up to 32GB) and now it works...

This project implements said procedure in a modman friendly way. Just install it with composer and you're good to go.

It was part of fixing security issues with unserialize. Magic methods like __destruct have inherent issues with serialization.

We have seen exploits proposed that were using serialization and __destruct to create files in the file system - and this change (you will see more similar changes in other places) was done to avoid this.

Does it cause memory leak or just use more memory until script finishes?