ImportError: No module named numpy on spark workers

To use Spark in Yarn client mode, you'll need to install any dependencies to the machines on which Yarn starts the executors. That's the only surefire way to make this work.

Using Spark with Yarn cluster mode is a different story. You can distribute python dependencies with spark-submit.

spark-submit --master yarn-cluster --py-files

However, the situation with numpy is complicated by the same thing that makes it so fast: the fact that does the heavy lifting in C. Because of the way that it is installed, you won't be able to distribute numpy in this fashion.

numpy is not installed on the worker (virtual) machines. If you use anaconda, it's very convenient to upload such python dependencies when deploying the application in cluster mode. (So there is no need to install numpy or other modules on each machine, instead they must in your anaconda). Firstly, zip your anaconda and put the zip file to the cluster, and then you can submit a job using following script.

 spark-submit \
 --master yarn \
 --deploy-mode cluster \
 --archives hdfs://host/path/to/
 --conf spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.PYSPARK_PYTHON=pthon-env/anaconda/bin/python

Yarn will copy from the hdfs path to each worker, and use that pthon-env/anaconda/bin/python to execute tasks.

Refer to Running PySpark with Virtualenv may provide more information.