"ImportError: file_cache is unavailable" when using Python client for Google service account file_cache

I am a bit late to the party here but I had a similar problem today and found the answer here

Solution to only the error : file_cache is unavailable when using oauth2client >= 4.0.0


change your discovery.build() to have the field cache_discovery=False i.e

discovery.build(api, version, http=http, cache_discovery=False)


As @Chronial says this will disable the cache.

A solution that does not disable the cache can be found here

The code head of module "google-api-python-client" said...

install_requires = [
     'oauth2client>=1.5.0,<5.0.0dev',    <<=============

So, I have uninstalled oauth2client version 4.0.0

Then, I have downloaded oauth2client 1.5.2 in a tar.gz file from offial python site https://pypi.python.org/pypi/oauth2client/1.5.2

I have installed this downloaded file so I have 1.5.2 version of oauth2client

Package                  Version
------------------------ ---------
certifi                  2016.9.26
discovery                0.0.4
distribute               0.7.3
future                   0.16.0
google-api-python-client 1.5.5
httplib2                 0.9.2
oauth2client             1.5.2
pefile                   2016.3.28
pip                      9.0.1
pyasn1                   0.1.9
pyasn1-modules           0.0.8
PyInstaller              3.2
pypiwin32                219
requests                 2.11.1
rsa                      3.4.2
setuptools               28.8.0
six                      1.10.0
uritemplate              3.0.0

After that, ALL is working OK again and there is no warning message.

Tried all the solutions that were listed, but none of them worked. Until I tried the (simple) suggestion from @dtk that was listed somewhere in the comments :

Install an older version of oauth2client by running:

pip install oauth2client==3.0.0

Now everything works fine for me. Thank you @dtk !