Import large CSV file into PostGIS

You are almost there but I think the problem might be the table you are loading into.

You must have already had a table created in PostGIS with the correct column types

For example

CREATE TABLE nycdata (
    BOROUGH varchar,
    BLOCK varch,
    DATE date,
    VERSION numeric);

But you need to match the column type with the same type of data in the CSV.

You can see all the Data Types here

Once you have created the table you can then use the original command

COPY nycdata FROM '/Users/macbook/data.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV HEADER;

You will then need to create indexes and a geometry

This can also be done with GDAL using a .vrt file, although it can be memory intensive.

You vrt would look like:

  <OGRVRTLayer name="feature_name"> 
    <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns" x="Eastings" y="Northings"/> 

Then simply:

ogr2ogr -progress -nln table_name_doesnt_need_to_exist -skipfailures  PostgreSQL PG:"dbname='dbname' host='localhost' port='5432'  user='username' password='password'" vrt_filename.vrt

For a full guide see:

Loading CSV OS CodePoint Data into PostGIS