import dataset into google colab from another drive account

To download a file to Colab

If you want to download the file directly into your Google Colab instance, then you can use gdown.

Note that the file must be shared to the public.

If the link to your dataset is, you can use:

!gdown --id "10vAwF6hFUjvw3pf6MmB_S0jZm9CLWbSx"

To download the file to your Drive

Instead, if you want to download it to your drive then

Mount your Google Drive

from google.colab import drive

Change the directory to a folder in your Google Drive

cd '/content/drive/My Drive/datasets/'

Download the file into your Google Drive folder

!gdown --id "10vAwF6hFUjvw3pf6MmB_S0jZm9CLWbSx"

To download a folder

If you are trying to download a folder, follow these steps:

  1. Open the shared folder

Shared Folder

  1. Click "Add shortcut to my drive" and select a folder

Adding to drive

  1. Mount your Google Drive to Google Colab

  2. Go to the folder where you added the shortcut

Access to shared folder

You can see the newly-added folder, being referenced by its Google Drive folder ID.