imploding a list for use in a python MySQLDB IN clause

Though this question is quite old, thought it would be better to leave a response in case someone else was looking for what I wanted

Accepted answer gets messy when we have a lot of the params or if we want to use named parameters

After some trials

ids = [5, 3, ...]  # list of ids
  id IN %(ids)s
  AND created_at > %(start_dt)s
''', {
  'ids': tuple(ids), 'start_dt': '2019-10-31 00:00:00'

Tested with python2.7, pymysql==0.7.11

Use the list_of_ids directly:

format_strings = ','.join(['%s'] * len(list_of_ids))
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM WHERE baz IN (%s)" % format_strings,

That way you avoid having to quote yourself, and avoid all kinds of sql injection.

Note that the data (list_of_ids) is going directly to mysql's driver, as a parameter (not in the query text) so there is no injection. You can leave any chars you want in the string, no need to remove or quote chars.

This appears to still be a problem with Python3 in 2021, as pointed out in the comment by Rubms to the answer by markk.

Adding about 9 lines of code to the method "_process_params_dict" in "" in the mysql connector package to handle tuples solved the problem for me:

def _process_params_dict(self, params):
    """Process query parameters given as dictionary"""
        to_mysql = self._connection.converter.to_mysql
        escape = self._connection.converter.escape
        quote = self._connection.converter.quote
        res = {}
        for key, value in list(params.items()):
            if type(value) is tuple: ### BEGIN MY ADDITIONS
                res[key.encode()] = b''
                for subvalue in value:
                    conv = subvalue
                    conv = to_mysql(conv)
                    conv = escape(conv)
                    conv = quote(conv)
                    res[key.encode()] = res[key.encode()] + b',' + conv if len(res[key.encode()]) else conv
            else: ### END MY ADDITIONS
                conv = value
                conv = to_mysql(conv)
                conv = escape(conv)
                conv = quote(conv)
                res[key.encode()] = conv
    except Exception as err:
        raise errors.ProgrammingError(
            "Failed processing pyformat-parameters; %s" % err)
        return res


