Implementing the visitor pattern using C++ Templates

This can be done in C++11 using variadic templates. Continuing from Pete's answer:

// Visitor template declaration
template<typename... Types>
class Visitor;

// specialization for single type    
template<typename T>
class Visitor<T> {
    virtual void visit(T & visitable) = 0;

// specialization for multiple types
template<typename T, typename... Types>
class Visitor<T, Types...> : public Visitor<Types...> {
    // promote the function(s) from the base class
    using Visitor<Types...>::visit;

    virtual void visit(T & visitable) = 0;

template<typename... Types>
class Visitable {
    virtual void accept(Visitor<Types...>& visitor) = 0;

template<typename Derived, typename... Types>
class VisitableImpl : public Visitable<Types...> {
    virtual void accept(Visitor<Types...>& visitor) {

Subclasses of Visitable:

class Mesh : public Object, public VisitableImpl<Mesh, Mesh, Text> {};
class Text : public Object, public VisitableImpl<Text, Mesh, Text> {};

A Visitor subclass:

class Renderer : public Visitor<Mesh, Text> {};

It's not clear what the value_type of your Scene container is but you need to obtain a reference or pointer to Visitable<Mesh, Text> on which to call accept:

for(Scene::iterator it = scene.begin(); it != scene.end(); ++it) {
    Visitable<Mesh, Text>& object = static_cast<Visitable<Mesh, Text>&>(*it);
    if(pre_visit(object)) {

Your BaseVisitor does nothing for you, other than allowing arbitrary visitees to delete the visitor. Instead, you want to have a base class for the visitor which provides all of the different accept functions that could be called on it, and for the Visitable to accept this visitor.

To do this, you could use a type list to define the types the visitor can accept, have a base visitee class which takes the type list, and add the type list as a parameter to your visitee implementation.

sketch of example:

// assuming a typelist has typedefs first and second and a 
// type 'empty' representing end of type list

template<typename Types>
class Visitor : public Visitor<Types::second> {
    // visitor has a visit function for each type in Types
    virtual void visit(typename Types::first& visitable) = 0;

template<> class Visitor<empty> { };

template<typename Types>
class Visitable{
    // base accepts a visitor which can visit any type in Types
    virtual void accept(Visitor<Types>& visitor) = 0;

template<typename Derived, typename Types>
class VisitableImpl : public Visitable<Types> {
    // impl calls specific visit function 
    virtual void accept(Visitor<Types>& visitor) override {